Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Skirts on Bikes‏

July 6th 2010

In all honesty this last week has been the hardest week on my mission. I have been stretched in ways I'd personally never imagined, but I now can see how it has been an essential part of the refining process. I know that me being called to train is an incredibly huge responsibility, but I also know that it is for a reason. And that as I have placed my complete trust in the Lord, He has helped me get through the challenges of this last week as well as the challenges that come sometimes just from being a missionary.

In all my life, I have never been so humbled. I have spent every morning this week on my knees just pouring my heart out to my Heavenly Father and asking for His help. There were a lot of changes all at once....change in companion, change in my responsibilities, change in area, change in transportation, change in my investigators in having to give them up to the other sisters, etc. But I now know that if I was able to make it through this week, then I can make it through almost anything. The Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and I also know that when He does call us in our weakness, if we remain humble and have faith, He will qualify us for the work. I know that is through Him and only through Him that we can even begin to reach our divine potential.

Despite the challenges, we've also seen many miracles this week. We are doing a lot of tracting and going through the list of former investigators. Pretty much all our previous Spanish investigators went to the other 2 Sisters who are working in the other areas of Wenatchee. So our investigator pool went from maybe about 30 investigators to about 7. So we are starting fresh, but I do know there are people ready to receive the gospel, in whom we are just around the corner in finding. With the guidance of the spirit, I know we will find them.

Our ward is amazing! It was kind've nice being able to go to an English speaking sacrament again, although I've grown accustomed to the Spanish branch. We still are working with the Spanish Branch, but we just can't go there every Sunday because our meetings are at the same time. Bishop Watlers is the greatest! And his wife too! They are taking very good care us and trying to assist in missionary work in every way they can. There is a lot of ward support for missionary work! In fact, the ward did a ward fast last Sunday for missionary work, that we will be able to find those who are ready to receive the gospel. I know those people are out there. It requires a lot of hard work and effort, alot of finding and teaching, but I know that as we remain faithful and hopeful, the Lord will lead us to find the "elect". I know without a doubt that I am supposed to be here at this time. I know there is at least one person, if not more, who I am meant to find. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be an instrument in the Lord's hands and to truly be a representative of Him in this work.

My Spanish has improved a ton! It seems literally over night I was able to speak more fluently and communicate better with the people. I remember Sis. Naylor mentioning that a similar thing happened to her when she was called to train, that the very first day we were together...her Spanish was 10 times better. I believe this to be a tender mercy of the Lord and have definitely recognized His hand in helping me learn the language at a faster rate than what I could have ever even imagined. The gift of tongues is real, and I know that without it...I still would be struggling to formulate sentences together.

My new companion is amazing! She has a very strong testimony and a very sweet spirit about her. Her Mom is from Mexico and Dad is from Texas. SO far.....the words mentioned in my setting apart blessing ring true. I have been blessed with my companions...every single one of them. Although each of them is unique, we are each very compatible and have experienced many wonderful things together. My new companion's name is Sister Perez.

Let's see...what else...well, we haven't moved yet. The Bishop and Stake Presidency are still looking for a place for us. I love living with the Curry's; they really make us feel like we have a home, which is definitely a good feeling to have at the end of the day. The problem is, though, they live at the exact opposite end of Wenatchee and from our area. SO it makes it very difficult when transportation is thrown in the mix. Let me just tell you, riding bikes in skirts with a helmet on all day, really doesn't give me any "cool" points haha. But, such is the life of a missionary, right! It is very interesting to say the least haha.

Happy 4th of July every one yesterday! We got to oversee the valley and watched the firewroks on Sunday night. They weren't quite as cool as back home, but it made me reminisce a little bit. Hope you all enjoyed the holiday!

SO far no slammed doors in my face, but definitely have learned white people are not as nice as Spanish people! haha. Summer heat is beginning to pick up here, so my awesome missionary tan is starting to evolve. Hm, and lets see....oh, and I've adjusted to wearing skirts every day just fine...but the knee highs I could definitely do without especially in this summer heat haha.

Sidenote: speaking of compatibility with my new companion...she loves Sonic too!! SO......hehe. Just saying, that's all.

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